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Everything You Need To Know About The Vape Ban

Everything You Need To Know About The Vape Ban

If you 'were' a vaper or a retailer for all things vape, you probably aren't too thrilled about the Indian governments recent decision to Ban the production, import, marketing, export, transport, sale, distribution and storage of vapes \ e-cigarettes     ( passed on 18th Sept 2019)

The New Nation Wide Ban

Breaking down the basics, let's start with WHY?

You've probably wondered 'why ban vapes and not cigarettes' given the health threats they so clearly pose, the indian government believes the vaping trend and it's marketing lures in a younger crowd and poses a threat to future generations. The decision to ban was implemented after a consultation with the ICMR

(Indian Council of Medical Research)  

Their Findings state that vapes pose a high risk of various illnesses for the human body, from cancer to neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders. Use is also unsafe for pregnancy & foetal development. 

The Lack of research on the effects of use also pose an issue.

Its use for curbing or stopping a tobacco addiction has not been proven, moreover vapes can create a new  form of tobacco addiction for those who have been non smokers prior. 


 Sitharaman at Press Conference announcing ban


On May 31(World No Tobacco Day) the ICMR published a paper on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, recommending a  “total prohibition of vapes” after assessing two hundred and fifty research papers from all over the globe. The paper stated that e-cigarettes contain highly-addictive nicotine solutions as well as flavouring agents hazardous for health, This is the same study that led to the ban of vapes in india. 

Next, what's the 'time' for doing the 'crime'? 

If Found in Violation of the ban, First-time offenders could face up to one year in prison and charged a fine up to 1 Lakh INR, second or third time violations could cost up to three years in jail as well as a five lakh INR fine.


The Defence :  

the Association of Vapers India (AVI), is an organisation that represents e-cigarette /Vape users, claim the ban is has deprived smokers of safer alternatives to cigarettes.



“The government owns 28% of ITC, a leading manufacturer of cigarettes, which means it is directly profiteering from the cigarette trade, along with earning thousands of crores in taxes on cigarettes.”  - Samrat Chowdhry founder of AVI India , in response to the government’s move to ban vapes.

The community against the ban believes the government has acted rashly and with bias, given the lack of research on the adverse effects they believe the government was quick to come to this decision and is taking away individuals rights without the first thought of the effect such a ban will have.

Naturally a Black Market will soon form, forcing both users and retailers to function within a market with no regulations will be more unsafe overall, they also believe the move was taken to protect the tobacco/cigarette industry. 



Shortly after publishing this post a new announcement stating

'Individual Possession for Personal use is not an offence' 


So there you have it, two sides to every story, This is all still fresh news and the effect of the ban is still unfolding, stay tuned with us for more news as it comes in.

How do you feel about the vape ban?

let us know in the comments below!


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